Part of the problem is the learning curve. This is the first Chev motor that I’ve actually done a lot of work on. I’ve done 6 and 8 Studebaker motor rebuilds and so didn’t think much about replacing a fuel pump. After poring over the shop manual for some inspiration I realized that it would be a problem should the fuel pump rod slip out of place. This engine has over 144k kms and is quite worn. Worn enough in fact that the fuel pump push rod did slipp down to the bottom of the fuel pump mounting cavity. So I removed the inner plate and there was the rod ready to fall out on the floor.

This is where the push rod should naturally fit. With it down the fuel pump lever was up against the rod and of course there was no pumping happening. As a result of the push rod being out of place it got bent slightly when I installed the fuel pump. I was able to straighten it enough, but there is a chance it will bind when the engine is hot. So off to the parts house today for a new push rod.

For some reason I can’t rotate the photo so the view is sideways.
A little work on the Stude – I noticed that when I drove into the garage the front end ‘clunked’ as it went over the ledge up onto the garage floor. While doing the grease job I noticed this. Two of the inner A arm rod mounting bolts had come loose. The nuts were almost off! That could have done some real damage. Only thing I can think of is that I missed torquing these two bolts on assembly. Easy fix with a good smear of blue locktite and a torque to 65 lbs. Oddly all these bolts lack lock washers and have to rely on the correct torque to stretch the bolts and keep things tight.
Next: time to get the fuel pump on and the Chevy started:-)