Still waiting for shims to finish the Dana 44 rear end. Got some from Studebaker Intl and I have some on order from Stephen Allen’s.
In the meantime I came across a used cruise control transducer for CDN $50. So I thought why not collect the parts to give the EL forty-eight cruise. The transducer hasn’t arrived yet, but some parts have. I found a ‘good’ used servo plus brackets and actuating rod. I Won’t be using the blue mount as the one now in place will do fine.
I gave the servo rubber a good coat of silicone inside and out in the hopes it will help it to last longer. The other parts have been bead blasted and I”ll paint up.
Picked up two new speedo cables and a new vacuum break switch for the brake pedal. I also sourced a transducer bracket from Ebay. I’ll get it blasted and painted.
That’s all for now. More as parts arrive. Meanwhile I am driving EL forty-eight to keep things loose, but it’s not really fun with the constant engine miss caused by, I believe, a burnt valve. My donor engine should be arriving anytime.