Finally got the QuickJack to work, but it is still a bit wonky. Not sure what the problem is. I bled the cylinders a couple of times to get it to go up and down. I then tested it with the car on it and it went up OK, but the right side wouldn’t lower to the locking point. After leaving it overnight it did lower to the locking point. Hopefully it will lower when the time comes. QuickJack sellers haven’t been able to help much.

Getting the old paint off the rocker trim. Used a razor scraper, dental pick, copper cleaning pad, etc plus 400 grit wet sandpaper to remove the old black and red paint. Fiddly but they came out OK in the end. I’ll use a primer filler to remove all the fine scratch marks left over from the grinder used by the paint and body man. I’ll hang them up until the warm weather arrives and then give them a coat of reflex silver and clear coat followed by a black pin stripe in the groove.
I’ll use the same technique to clean the rear window trim and then paint it up the same as the rocker panels. Not sure if I’ll add a pin stripe or not.

This is the location on the passenger side where the front rocker trim bolt mounting hole used to be.

I fashioned up a small piece of aluminum as a repair to the body fibreglass.

I loosed off the front body screw and slipped the repair plate in behind. The repair plate needed to be curved a bit to match the white area of the fibreglass.

Three aluminum pop rivets and tightening of the body screw and the patch is securely in place. I’ll drill it for the rocker panel bolt when I re-install in the spring.
Next: The donor 350 has arrived 🙂